When you're self-employed, taking out a loan can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Banks give you the runaround for days asking for a multitude of documents and proofs to finally reject your petition claiming there is a lack of security.
That's why we give out loans for those that are self-employed!
How do we do it?
The process is simple: Take the first step and contact us. Our professionals are specially trained to approve self-employed loans because we understand how difficult it is to attain loans under your circumstances. Instead of complicated paperwork and proving your worth, we listen to your situation and assess the best options for you.
What do we need?
No credit scores, no IT returns certificates, no proof of transactions. We are here to help as much as possible. Bankruptcy problems or a sudden loss can happen any time – we are an organisation that gives you a loan under any circumstance with the basic principle of trust. Each and every one of our clients trusts in us as we trust in them.
What do we specialise in?
We are in this industry to make a difference. You can't anticipate sudden problems like running out of money while you're building a home. Most banks will deny you, and you'll be stuck with a half-built house. We understand your needs are urgent, so our professionals use their immense experience to advance loans for those who need it the most, when you need it most.
It's all about great service.
When one door closes, another opens – we are that door for you. We have helped many, and we will continue to help many in the future. Don't hesitate to call us. We are always here to help. So, let's get started on your loan today!